Saturday, May 7, 2011

one million bones

I became aware of this interesting project when a client brought in the above image to be framed.  It is the work of Naomi Natale, and part of a larger project:  One Million Bones.  The ultimate goal of the project is to collaboratively create one million bones and display them on the National Mall to create global awareness for ongoing genocides in Sudan, Democratic Republic of Congo, and Burma.

The video below defines the project and gives an idea of what it will look like and the power it will have.

So how do you frame an image like the signed artist print that my client brought in?  Certainly you want the art to do the talking.  A gallery-style wide white mat was selected to give the eye some room to view the work.  Ultimately we selected a frame from the Aegean family of mouldings.  They are simple in shape, though not flat, and have a mottled, watercolor-like finish.  They come in a variety of colors and widths.

We chose one that is perfect.  The client opted for anti-glare museum glass, so that not even a reflection would detract from the artist's message.