Thursday, June 30, 2011

new mouldings!

Welcome new frame families!  Love you both!

I don't normally post every time a new product is born, but I adore these two new lines from Larson-Juhl.

First is Olmsted, an acanthus leaf motif inspired by the gardens at Biltmore, George Washington Vanderbilt's magnificent estate in Asheville, NC.  This family of frames is named for Franklin Law Olmsted, the original landscape architect and designer of its grounds.

Next up is L7, no, not named for the girl band of the 90s, but they did both arrive at their names from the same idea:  L and 7 when next to each other resemble a square.

This is a family of simple clean lines and an elegant finish.  Love the floating styles (top 3) with contrasting interiors, especially the silver/white combo in the middle.  A stunner!  And these are water gilded!  And Craig Ponzio Signature Collection!  omg.

Got something these would be perfect for?  Bring it in and we'll try 'em on!