Wednesday, August 31, 2011

absolution lab

...and he's at it again!

Butch Cordora, a regular on this blog, is showing a new group of work at Ven & Vaida (18 S 3rd St) beginning this Friday, 9/2, 6 - 9pm.  The Absolution Lab already has the city buzzing

Paul Cadmus
The Bath (1951) by Paul Cadmus

Butch is known for homage--his interpretations of  iconic works.  The above painting is reimagined by Butch below.

But this new show, The Absolution Lab, is more varied than his previous shows.  ( I know because I framed the framables and stretched the stretchables!  ;)  There are a variety of formats including some large scale vivid canvases as well as black & white and color photography--but all linked by a singular vision.

On view until October 1st, with an artist talk on 9/21, 6 - 8pm.