Thursday, August 25, 2011


There's been lots of exciting stuff going on at the shop, and hopefully I'll be able to show off some of the fabulous projects in the next few weeks.  Really awesome stuff.

I have increased my product line by a bunch!  Hundreds of new mouldings have arrived and I'm super happy with the collections.  Above is some sparkley glittery goodness from Bella Mouldings.  Oh, they had to go straight to the front window--they are far too glam to hide away.

...and the LUCITE is here!  Prisma frame samples arrived as well as the box of color tiles!

Love!  Better than candy.

In other news, the shop celebrated its 6 month anniversary (already!), survived an earthquake (nothing fell off the walls--but everything flapped around a bit!), and the Hotlist results are in:

and I came in 2nd place!  Not too shabby for a first time out :)  Thanks to everyone who voted.  And congratulations to the winner, The Frame Shop of Conshocken.  I happen to know you've got a great staff over there.  Frame on, sisters!