Tuesday, January 17, 2012


The mister and I headed out to the Art Museum this rainy morn to view the Zoe Strauss exhibit.  I am an admirer of Zoe's work and have been looking forward to this exhibit for over a year.  Zoe is an artist living and making images in South Philadelphia.  She is a neighbor whom I've never met.

You may recall these images I purchased at the last of her I-95 exhibits.

or this one I framed earlier this year for a client:

They all share a space in the shop's window now, as part of the city-wide celebration of her work.

display table just inside the shop
I am proud to live in a city whose world-class museum brings one of its own to the forefront.  The Billboard Project, the installation by the museum of 54 billboards of Zoe's work throughout the city, and the exhibit itself, are remarkable and powerful.

La Corona billboard at the corner of EPA & Reed

Congratulations and Thank You!